Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Glory and Decline

In Chapter 8.2 on the Glory and Decline many things happened. Shah Abbas ruled the Safavids from 1588-1629 and he strengthened the army with the latest weapons. During this time , a system was created to train administrators and the Safavids reached the high point of glory. In the early 17th century he went against Ottomans to regain territory and he was helped by European states. In 1629 a treaty was signed which gave Azerbajjan back to the Safavids. After Shah dies , religious elements increased in society. Shah Hussein then ruled in the early 18th century and people seized the capital of Isfaham. Remnants of the family were forced to retreat to Azerbaijan , their original homeland. Turks took advantage and they seized the territories along the western border.

Some Important Words:

ORTHADOXY-pressure to conform to traditional religious beliefs
Example*women with freedom were forced into seclusions 

ANARCHY-lawlessness and disorder

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